Astrolonomy’s Pluff Planets made their first appearance at the Vibrational Astrology Conference in Gainesville, FL on April 6th, 2019. (Thank you, David and Fei Cochrane). Vibrational Astrology (VA) is based on ideas in harmonic astrology, midpoints, modern psychological astrology, and Vedic astrology.

There were 100+ astrologers attending from all over the world; the presentations were exceptional, thought-provoking. Many of the attendees spent a good part of their breaks selecting emoji’s to apply to the Pluff Planets. One attendee from Utah sent pictures and called her 7 year old daughter so her daughter could select the emojis. This is exactly the reaction I had hoped for-. Even though there were no children present at the conference, there was still an obvious connection. What an incredibly successful ‘first’ showing!